Monday, July 20, 2015

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Monday, December 17, 2012

South Carolina's Next Senator

South Carolina Rep. Tim Scott.  The soon-to-be appointed African-American senator, replacing Jim DeMint who is off to head the Heritage Foundation.

Directly from the horse’s mouth:

On gays:
I also support traditional marriage, and spoke out against the President’s decision to no longer allow the Department of Justice to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court.  I absolutely believe in keeping the institution of marriage as one solely between a man and woman.  We must not allow the government to distort the meaning of marriage and instead, focus on building stronger families across America.
Agreed. Government needs to stop distorting the meaning of marriage and focus on building stronger families across America – like in the 9 states and the District of Columbia, where same-sex marriage is legal. 

Strict immigration reform is a top priority in Congress.  Strengthening and enforcing immigration laws not only serve to help our distressed economy, but to address national security concerns.
Because after all, they are taking away our jobs and robbing our kids.

On guns:
As Americans, we have the right to defend ourselves, our families and our property, and the federal government should never interfere with this right. I’ve cosponsored more than half a dozen bills protecting the rights of gun owners, including the Firearms Interstate Commerce Reform Act and the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act.
That’s right.  More than half a dozen bills.

I support common-sense reforms that include increased competition and choice of plans to lower costs, protecting the sacred doctor-patient relationship, ensuring those with preexisting conditions have access to affordable coverage, expanding health savings accounts, and enacting medical tort reform which will save us billions by decreasing “defensive medicine.”  These market-based, patient-centered improvements are the key to expanding access, increasing coverage, and providing quality, affordable health care to all Americans.
Competition and choice.  Competition and choice.  Competition and choice…

I cosponsored two pro-life bills which have now passed the House of Representatives, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act and the Protect Life Act. I also supported legislation, the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, to repeal part of the national health care reform law that violates the freedom of religion granted to us by the First Amendment. Government is already overreaching into our homes and businesses; it can’t be allowed to do the same with our faith.
In case you missed it, the Protect Life Act is the one that would allow federally-funded hospitals that oppose abortions to refuse the procedure, even in cases where a woman’s life is at stake,

The post-November 2012 face of the Republican Party.  The new face seems a lot like the old one. 

Except, for the obvious.

Guns, God and…

money, to complete the metaphor – so to say.  Or in other words, why there will never be meaningful gun control in this country.

Former Arkansas Governor (and more-than-one-time Republican Presidential nominee wannabe) Mike Huckabee on last Friday’s school shooting tragedy in Newtown, CT:
"We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools," Huckabee said on Fox News, discussing the murder spree that took the lives of 20 children and 6 adults in Newtown, CT that morning. "Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?" 
Law enforcement has released few details on the alleged gunman, but Huckabee suggested that the separation of church and state may have spurred his rampage.  
"[W]e've made it a place where we don't want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability -- that we're not just going to have be accountable to the police if they catch us, but one day we stand before, you know, a holy God in judgment," Huckabee said. "If we don't believe that, then we don't fear that."
And the so-called backtracking:
Speaking on Fox News on Monday, Huckabee clarified that he didn't believe an increased religious presence at Sandy Hook could actually have directly prevented that particular shooting from taking place.
“I’m not suggesting by any stretch that if we had prayer in schools regularly as we once did that this wouldn’t have happened, because you can't have that kind of cause and effect,” said Huckabee. "But we’ve created an atmosphere in this country where the only time you want to invoke God’s name is after the tragedy.”
I only understand 2nd amendment rights in a purely intellectual light.  The thought of being anywhere near a gun, makes me shiver.  And I only understand the concept of god, as a purely intellectual concept – I was religious studies minor in my youth.

So while the spiritual side of me is trying to understand god coming into a classroom and stopping a shooting, the intellect can only see a bunch of folks trying to co-opt headlines for the purposes of pushing their version of religion, on me.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Speak No Evil

How in the world Mitt Romney thinks he can go to South Florida and not say a word about Medicare or Cuba, is beyond me.  But I guess thinking it, makes it so.  Because he did it.  The emphasis is mine:
Mitt Romney mentioned the word Medicare only twice Monday in his first Florida stop in St. Augustine after picking a running mate, but no one doubts it will be a central part of the campaign fight in this must-win state. 
“The president’s idea for Medicare was to cut it by $700 billion,” Romney said during a morning rally in St. Augustine. “That’s not the right answer. We need to make sure we can preserve and protect Medicare.” 
On his second stop in in West Miami-Dade at El Palacio de Los Jugos, the Republican presidential nominee was greeted by a large, enthusiastic crowd where he gave his standard stump speech — absent a single mention of Medicare or Cuba, typical talking points in Miami’s exile community. 
He really is determined to talk about nothing during this campaign.  I know a lot of folks say there are many things he simply can’t talk about.  That he can’t talk about his religion, at risk of alienating an evangelical base.  That his not-so-nice comments in London about the Olympics, makes it harder for him to glorify his days with the Salt Lake games.  That in not releasing his tax returns, he risks making the unpopular elements of his tax plan a center of the campaign.  That in not addressing the issues related to his employment status at Bain, and questions of job outsourcing and business closures, the we-need-a-businessman-in-charge argument becomes a mockery.

And then all the things he won’t talk about it, at risk of reminding the American public of his propensity to flip-flop.

But going to West Miami-Dade and not a word about Cuba?  Sheesh.

I guess putting Paul Ryan – the great intellect and ideas man – on the ticket isn’t rubbing off on Romney.

Can’t You Do Better Than, That???

Funny all this talk about how Republican Vice-President-wannabe Rep. (and House Budget Chair) Paul Ryan is some brilliant, intellect.
NORFOLK, Va. — In the shadow of a military battleship, Mitt Romney formally named Paul Ryan as his running mate Saturday, saying that the 42-year-old Wisconsin congressman was the “intellectual leader” of the Republican Party with the experience to tackle the fiscal crises facing the nation and the temperament to be effective.
Funny all this talk about how everyone – on both sides of the aisle likes and respects him. 
People have always liked Ryan. The story of his political life has been his success in charming people — including a string of powerful friends in Congress, think tanks and the conservative media — in small rooms.
Funny all this talk about how this election is now a serious debate about “the issues.”
Thank you, Mitt Romney. Your choice of House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan as your running mate might kick off the kind of serious fiscal debate the nation needs. Depending on how President Obama responds, such a discussion could set the stage for serious budget and tax reform in 2013.
Well then why-oh-why, could former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu (and big-time Romney rah-rah man) do no better than this on MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews, last night?

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Nothing about how Ryan’s Medicare re-hauls are positioned within valid, intellectual political, social and economic frameworks.

Nothing about how Democrats might have disagreements with the plan, but still respect Ryan for his stances.

Nothing about this being a serious debate, where good people can disagree.

All because HE would rather have private insurance to a government run plan, any day. Because in that good Republican way, it’s all about ME!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Weekend, All!

An ode to the V.P. Sweepstakes!  So spot on, in so many ways.

Enjoy the weekend!  And the endless punditry....

What’s Wrong With All of Them?

Ok.  Let’s start with the top.

Reince Priebus, the Chair of the Republican National Committee thinks “it’s ridiculous” that 63 percent of the American public thinks presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney should release more tax returns.

So now, the likes of me are “ridiculous” and to be simply dismissed.  No room for discussion.  No room for disagreement.  No room for intellectual debate.  Sixty-three percent of us are simply, “ridiculous.”

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney reminded us last week, that we are not Israel.
“It’s individuals and their entrepreneurship which have driven America,” said Romney. “What America is, is not a collective where we all work in a Kibbutz or we all in some little entity, instead it’s individuals pursuing their dreams and building successful enterprises which employ others and they become inspired as they see what has happened in the place they work and go off and start their own enterprises.”
Next up, he reminded us we are not Japan.
During his speech at a Thursday fund-raiser, the Republican candidate remarked, "We are not Japan. We are not going to be a nation that suffers in decline and distress for a decade or a century."
Who is next to insult, on the not-ready-for-prime-time tour?

Oh, and just call Senator Republican Leader Mitch McConnell – obstructionist.  From Greg Sargent over at Plum Line, in the Washington Post, quoting Michael Grunwald’s new book on the making of the stimulus:
Grunwald has Joe Biden on the record making a striking charge. Biden says that during the transition, a number of Republican Senators privately confided to him that Mitch McConnell had given them the directive that there was to be no cooperation with the new administration — because he had decided that “we can’t let you succeed.” 
Here’s the relevant passage, from page 207: 
Biden says that during the transition, he was warned not to expect any cooperation on many votes. “I spoke to seven different Republican Senators, who said, `Joe, I’m not going to be able to help you on anything,’ he recalls. His informants said McConnell had demanded unified resistance. “The way it was characterized to me was: `For the next two years, we can’t let you succeed in anything. That’s our ticket to coming back,’” Biden says. The vice president says he hasn’t even told Obama who his sources were, but Bob Bennett of Utah and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania both confirmed they had conversations with Biden along these lines.
Now, on to the VP sweepstakes…

Thinking maybe there is one high-profile Governor from Louisiana who has been struck from the list:
Thanks to a new law privatizing public education in Louisiana, Bible-based curriculum can now indoctrinate young, pliant minds with the good news of the Lord—all on the state taxpayers' dime. 
Under Gov. Bobby Jindal's voucher program, considered the most sweeping in the country, Louisiana is poised to spend tens of millions of dollars to help poor and middle-class students from the state's notoriously terrible public schools receive a private education. While the governor's plan sounds great in the glittery parlance of the state's PR machine, the program is rife with accountability problems that actually haven't been solved by the new standards the Louisiana Department of Education adopted two weeks ago. 
For one, of the 119 (mostly Christian) participating schools, Zack Kopplin, a gutsy college sophomore who's taken to to stonewall the program, has identified at least 19 that teach or champion creationist nonscience and will rake in nearly $4 million in public funding from the initial round of voucher designations.
And please, please, please make it Wisconsin Representative (and House Budget Chair) Paul Ryan.  For one, conservatives seem to really think they can manipulate Romney into making the pick – which says a lot about Romney’s relationship with ALL sectors of the Republican Party.  No one seems to believe he stands for ANYTHING.  From the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal:
The case for Mr. Ryan is that he best exemplifies the nature and stakes of this election. More than any other politician, the House Budget Chairman has defined those stakes well as a generational choice about the role of government and whether America will once again become a growth economy or sink into interest group dominated decline. 
Against the advice of every Beltway bedwetter, he has put entitlement reform at the center of the public agenda—before it becomes a crisis that requires savage cuts. And he has done so as part of a larger vision that stresses tax reform for faster growth, spending restraint to prevent a Greek-like budget fate, and a Jack Kemp-like belief in opportunity for all. He represents the GOP's new generation of reformers that includes such Governors as Louisiana's Bobby Jindal and New Jersey's Chris Christie.
As important, Mr. Ryan can make his case in a reasonable and unthreatening way. He doesn't get mad, or at least he doesn't show it. Like Reagan, he has a basic cheerfulness and Midwestern equanimity.
Let’s see.  Decimating Social Security and Medicare vs. “basic cheerfulness and Midwestern equanimity.”  We’ll see who can win that one.

And the Wall Street Journal isn’t the only conservative mouthpiece on board with Paul Ryan.  The National Review, here.

For a long time now, I have thought for sure it would be Ohio Senator Rob Portman.  Now, I am not so sure.  I am starting to think Mitt Romney really wants someone he likes and gets along well with, on the ticket.  And yes, someone who is a lot like him.  Alike.  Sort of like Clinton-Gore. 

That just might be former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty.